Vero | Intelligence Insurance Solutions (2020)
Vero works with top carriers and hand-picked agents while leveraging artificial intelligence and an outstanding service team to provide customers with simple one-stop shopping for insurance products.

Founded and advised by a team of insurance, finance, and tech industry veterans with a passion for transparent and unbiased advice. Vero’s mission is to help both everyday people and professional advisors manage risk and insurance smarter. We help our customers find and fill their coverage gaps and achieve true peace of mind.

My Role
Product Designer
Research, IA, Wireframing,
Visual Design, Design System,

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Automated insurance check-up to increase sales and save time for 400,00+ insurance agents in US.

Giving you transparent, unbiased advice you can trust.

  • Provide ultra-easy onboarding, personalized reports, and a perfect customer dashboard.
  • Allows insurance agents to look at their daily schedule and calculate risk by using our AI technology.
  • Able to utilize our time in order to open channels of referral partners as well as freeing our time in order to sell.
  • Automate insurance check-up reviews and proposals to effortlessly increase cross-sales.


We synthesized the collected data from the interviews and contextual inquiries into an affinity map to help form insights and brainstorm design ideas to solve higher-order problems.

Given our research findings, we came up with two divergent design ideas that tackled the problem space. These spanned from fixing the insurance broker's workflow, improving client communication and better risk management.


Design System

The design system was built early on the team managed all the digital platforms. It helps to create products more efficient, consistent, quality, customer-centric. Also, their product teams feel it in their day-to-day, and these challenges bubble up to leadership

  • Creating a design system that incorporates well-defined rules and guidelines.
  • The goal was to inform a wide range of users of how to implement the patterns and styles outlined within the design system.

Design Handoff

I worked closely with engineers to validate the design and copy implementation. Along with daily stand-ups, we also had weekly demos and would occasionally sit together and cross check implementation with the final designs.

On the other hand, design system will always evolve and most probably keep growing. Through this case study, I wanted to share with you my process and a bit of what I learned along the way. The Design System has definitely played a huge part to save me time as the only Product Designer in the startup.


UI Design

Each design process includes a phase of exploration where we strive to define a design language that will help us reach our goals.



  • Vero Intelligence raised an undisclosed amount / Convertible Note from Plug and Play Tech Center

  • Within 30 days after the launch, Vero experienced an uptick in everything from onboarding to risk management.